Monday, December 17, 2012

Shooting "Redemption" with NO Budget

When we started the pre-production for "Redemption" we knew we would have no budget. This obviously caused quite a few hurdles for us. We had to find people that would be willing to work for nothing but the joy of film making. The main concern was going to be finding people who knew what they were doing who would want to dedicate their time for free. This was the first task in front of us to even get this film off the ground.

We started by putting out adds on craigslist and at the local College for crew and cast. We got lucky because one of the first people to show up was Ian Askew. He is a brilliant actor who played agent 2 in the film. He had a great audition creating the character that you will see in the film. He nailed it right away. The next man to audition was JD Rodriguez. He had just come from Puerto Rico and was trying to make a name for himself in America. He auditioned for Agent 1 and was perfect for the part. As he went through the audition though we found out more about him and found out he did camera as well. He fast became the DP for the movie as well.

The last person who became a key part of the film was the leading lady, but we found her the opposite way. Stefany Mayz is a very talented singer/song writer and when we approached her about writing the soundtrack for "Redemption" she was very excited. We met up with her and went over the script with her and told her were we wanted the background music. As she read over the script we realized she was an amazing actress, we asked Stefany her background in acting and it came as no surprise when she told us she had been acting since she was young. With a rich background in acting and a great ability to write music she was on the crew quick.

Shooting "Redemption" With no budget has been fun as well as challenging. We have had great help from very talented people and have been lucky enough to see the film all the way through without sacrificing anything in the process. We truly believe that when "Redemption" premieres you will be truly amazed.

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