Saturday, January 11, 2014

Lees Productions 2014 "Video Industry Unleashed"

A lot is coming from Lees Productions in the new year. We are launching all sorts of programming on our YouTube Page. We will have an interview show, a 'behind the scenes' of Lees Productions series, five sketch comedy shows, and two original web series'. These shows will all be shot in our new studio and will air at different times during the year. We also currently have three short films, a documentary, and a feature film projects. Over the next couple blog posts, we'll describe each one.

The interview show, Video Industry Unleashed, is all about the video industry. We feature a new guest every week, from film professionals to marketing specialists. We ask them to give tips and helpful hints on how to get into the industry and how they have made their way. We ask them what a new college graduate can expect to see in the field they have just joined.

So far, we have interviewed producers, directors, directors of photography, actors, marketing specialists, writers, and many more. We will be interviewing professionals higher and higher up in the industry. We will speak with distribution company owners, news anchors, big time film directors and more. We want to bring everything to the fingertips of beginner film makers.

It is our goal through this series to help every film maker have a shot at making it big. We want to bring the industry tricks to the ones just getting started. We want to create a platform to move the industry forward and inspire new talent.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Finding work in a Family Industry

The film industry has always been a "who you know" field. To move up in the ranks you have to suck up to the people who know someone who can give you a job. It's very difficult to succeed otherwise.

College's are still teaching the old ways of doing things. They are teaching that you need to be grandfathered in still, that you have to shoot with massive budgets and expensive equipment. They don't show young film majors that you can easily find work in commercial video, weddings, music videos, recording depositions and much more in the law realm. It's these roadblocks thrown up by the ones already in the field that hold back the film makers of the future.  With these complications many young would be film majors give up. They end up working at a pizza place or walmart.

But there is hope on the horizon, because equipment is becoming readily more available to the young aspiring filmmaker they can know show people what they can do. They can prove themselves easier, give themselves the chance that before you had to have given to you. Young people in the video industry can now work hard to get in.

More and more film festivals are popping up giving young people in the industry a chance to shine. They help the young unknown become the well known. They now have a better chance. With this trend beginning, film students can start to see a future in this field.