Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Lees Productions 2014 "Behind The Scenes"

The next web series we are creating is our "Behind the Scenes" program. It will be an ongoing mini-documentary of the different video shoots that we do. You will get to see what the actors, crew, and staff are doing. We will do mini-interviews with everyone involved and you can get the inside scoop on what it's like working in the industry. With this series, you'll see all the crew members and equipment in action!

Additionally, you will become privy to what goes into a production, what tricks we may have used, and how we overcame any obstacles. You will get to see first hand what goes into starting a business and shooting a video, corporate or film. 

Some of our "Behind the Scenes" footage will be from our YouTube.com shows, short films, a feature film, two-to-three documentaries, and any corporate work that we do. The independent film world can be a harsh mistress. Watch to find out how you can get over the obstacles!